"It's me!" Emergency Phone Call

Scam Likelihood: 100%
Targets: Parents, Grandparents

The Story:

"It's me! It's me!" The person over the phone shouts in panic.
"Who is it?" You asked, confused about the caller's identity.

"Mum! It's me! There is no time, I will explain everything when I get home. Right now, I need you to transfer RM 1,000 to this bank account, XXXXXXXXX. Hurry!" He explained urgently and hung up.

Stunned and unsure of the situation, you dial your child's phone number but to no avail. Desperate and worried, you made the trip to the bank and transferred the money to the specified account.

The Catch:

Later that evening, your child came home and when you asked him about the money, he was puzzled and told you that he lost his phone.

Only then, you realised that you had been scammed off a thousand bucks.

The Shield:

If the caller is unable to identify himself, it is definitely a scam. Scammers of such a scam succeed by putting you in a tight spot, making use of the love and concern you have for your children.

Also, do not save contacts under "Mum" or "Dad". This allows the scammers to easily identify their targets.

Beware and watch out.

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