Magical Medicinal Stone Scam

Scam Likelihood: 100%
Targets: Elderlies

The Story:

Your body had not been feeling so well lately. One day, while having your breakfast at the usual kopitiam, you overhear a conversation, about some magical medicine, that can cure any illness.
Immediately, you turn to ask about the medicine. Apparently, the lady there is suffering from cancer and is cured by the medicine. You continue to get more details and get shocked by the price, RM 5,000.00.

Nevertheless, given your recent health, you decide to buy it. You were given 2 rocks to boil with water, and told to drink it thereafter, repeating this everyday for 2 weeks.

The Catch:

The 2 pieces of stones are just any rocks on the ground. There have no medicinal value, and can even be harmful to health.

And the woman? She is also one of the scammers.

The Shield:

Be careful of magical medicine. If there are really such medicine, they will be on the headlines all over the world.

It is best to consult your family members and even a doctor, before making such purchase.

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